"I don't have time" is the biggest lie we tell ourselves. Are the 24 hours in a day not enough to do what we truly want to get done?
Just think about it; the minutes we snooze in the morning, the social media screen time we spend throughout the day, the one or two Netflix episodes we squeeze into our sleep time, and all the other bad habits that seem harmless, are in fact devouring precious time out of the day!
Whether any of these take a minute or an hour, they are disrupting the flow of the day and are shifting our attention away from what really matters. So, next time you catch yourself about to say "I don't have time," just stop for a second and ask:
. Do I really not have time? Is my day planned and my time managed well enough to get enough done throughout the day?
. Do I keep a log (mentally or physically) of my rest time and active time? Am I mindful of separating between the two and giving enough time to each?
. Can I confidently say how my day went? Can I point out the things I managed to get done?
No matter how perfectly we try to organize our day, we cannot claim total control. With this in mind, always remember that some things can wait. It is our personal judgment that can tell us what is important, what is not, and what we should allocate our time for.
It all takes practice, patience, and mindfulness. Go easy on yourself and make every minute of your day count!